thank the lard

so. we had our appointment with bob yesterday. it was a little slower paced than the week before. in other words, we weren't both screaming mad and trying to undo a shitty week. he said that he's been having trouble being friendly and helpful because he doesn't want to "lead me on." he just "wants to be friends." ok. so. i told him it doesn't really matter what he says or doesn't say, does or doesn't do. my faith is coming from somewhere else.

wait, did i just say that out loud? faith? i was like the most pessimistic, least hopeful person ever. until suddenly, i wasn't any more. much to my surprise, i can't kill these positive feelings. am i being stupid? deluding myself? maybe i'm stubborn and just can't stand the idea of being wrong. or...holy crap, what if there really is a g-d? i figured that if i was ever going to find faith it would have been been i was diagnosed with cancer. or during childbirth. i'm currently waffling between feelings of complete panic and feelings of total calm. i just wish this would all hurry up. apparently faith does nothing for patience.


would you rather...

be accused of discriminating against someone because of age



screaming child; i'll answer later...