list the first

1) is it possible to forgive r? does he deserve my forgiveness? is forgiveness mine to give?both my dad and austin have mentioned karma & other spiritual kicks in the ass. if only that gave me more peace. i guess it would help if i stopped loving him.

2) lorenzo crawled up the stairs for the first time on tuesday! need i remind everyone that he's only SIX months old?

3) r missed it. he also missed the first time lorenzo sat up. the first time he tried solid food. the first time he pulled up on the couch. he's just about to miss his first steps.

4) lorenzo lights up & reaches out his arms for my dad when he sees him. thankfully he does this for me too so i can just be happy for us both. ;o)

5) parker has started asking my dad to hold her when she hurts herself. thankfully, since this happens about 93 billion times a day there is plenty to go around. plus she gives me lovely cuddles and conversation before bed.

6) also, not r.

7) it's a balmy 45 degrees today in port townsend. brrr. what else is new? that said, there's a beautiful view of the snow covered mountains not so far off in the left. (have i mentioned i have no idea which direction north is? ever.) it really is lovely here. if only it were warmer. i guess i'm a california sissy afterall.

8) i'm really freaking tired. when will i be less tired? never? what?! don't say that!

9) "you can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." -joseph goldstein surfing? yes please! it's been too long. austin you out there?

10) i am not a selfish person. i am not a taker. no matter what he tells me. i'm not.