
so we're here in port townsend now staying at my aunt diane's house. it's great to be around family but damn, it's COLD! i don't think i've been up here in the winter time since i was a little baby. the kids seem unphased. miss p is having a great time playing with her cousin nino (he's just a few months younger).

the more i talk about this whole thing with r the more pissed i get. i mean, i know he's going through something but for the love of god man! how does a person walk out on two such incredible kids??? he says he wants to be a man. "i want to smoke cigars and drink cognac. i want to take risks and make a lot of money. i want to drive a muscle car." TOO BAD. you made these babies now provide a little stability for them. and while you're at it, a good freaking example! he told me he's gotten more chauvanistic since he's gotten older. *scratches head* he also says i'm not feminine enough. he said that watching me give birth to lorenzo just empowered me more and made things worse for him. *!!!*