
no, not my stomach. just some writing (poetryish) bubbling under the surface. i'm going to dig up a bunch of my old stuff when i get home and start posting it here to edit. a before and after sort of deal i think. also, maybe some new stuff. it's that lemons and lemonade bullshit. more stuff i don't believe in.

also, maybe i'll start doing lists like crazy aunt purl (read her funny blog). that should be exciting and meaningful eh?

not related to anything: congratulations to austin for getting accepted into nursing school up in san francisco. that is SO cool. he'll make an excellent murse (man+nurse=murse) i'm quite sure!

i'm reading truman capote's _the grass harp_ which is actually a collection of short stories. remember when i used to have time to read and i'd post about it? no? me neither.
'you wrong, sugar. if you feed a man, and wash his clothes, and born his children, you and that man are married, that man is yours. if you sweep a house, and tend its fires and fill its stove, and there is love in you all the years you are doing this, then you and that house are married, that house is yours.' (p 30)