ladies & gentlemen, i give you:

mr. david! it's like when the beatles landed in the states for the first time. i witnessed it myself at the preschool yesterday. as soon as he picked up his guitar and started singing the kids started screaming with glee. parker danced her brains out for about a half hour. as far as kids' music goes he's pretty good. as far as being attractive...well, let me just say, none of the mom's had any complaints. *grin* we even went and saw him play at the row last night (mr. baby was completely transfixed btw). then r bought him drinks at the bar. *blush*

miss p and her favorite preschool pal dance to mr. david

mr. david in all his glory

more preschool cuteness. note the outfit: i got it at the secondhand store for less than $5 and doesn't she look too cute?!

nightly "ewww": as i was sitting writing this post i took out the joseph schmidt pecan prailine truffle (which cost me $2.50) which i had been saving for this very moment. i broke it in half (so as to savour it more) and the whole center was engulfed in mold! yuck.

nightly "congratulations": to eric (r's cousin's husband) for graduating for the second time from the defense language institute at the presidio of monterey. he now speaks/reads both korean and arabic. awesome and heartfelt congratulations!