miss p that is. she's a nut i tell ya. no story in particular, just in general. she spent a good portion of today on a pretend conference call on her "cell phone," rolled around in the flour while i was preparing the pizza dough, and squawked at r in her sleep that she wasn't "done eating yet daddy!" anyhow, i decided to wean her except for her morning and bedtime nurse. the all night nursing thing was just about to push me over the edge. we started two nights ago and she's actually doing really well, better than i expected. i think she's ready this time. i'll probably cut out the bedtime session before her birthday and see where we go from there! she's getting so grown up! on that note, here's a then, then, now.

november 2004

november 2005

november 2006

november 2004

november 2005

november 2006