how about some complaining!

it's been a while since i went on a big ol' negative rant about anything...i kind of miss it actually!

#1: i get migraines. and they suck. i get these crazy flashy lights off in the right side of my peripheral vision that makes it hard for me to see. then my left eyeball starts hurting and the pain radiates on the left side until it reaches the back of my head. and then i start to feel like barfing. i've had four since we got back from yosemite. i had never had one before that.

#2: teenage boys lack much needed social skills. r, parker and i were down at the pool the other evening. r & p are in the pool. somehow i wind up in the hot tub with three very inept 17-19 year old boys. one looks at me and says: "so you're pregnant?" me: "um, yes." (no dickwad, i always look like this). him: "who's the father?" me: "my husband." who's the father? are you kidding me!? what kind of retard asks that question???

#3: car rental places rip you off. okay. so we're going to seattle for my cousin's wedding and slug-fest this summer. we need to rent a mini van. i know that it will be more expensive than a car and that's fine. i call hertz. with my aaa discount and tax it's going to be $553 dollars. wonderful. fine. then the lady tells me the seattle area has a bunch of surcharges. okay, how much? the new total is $764.49! over $200 frickin' dollars worth of surcharges! and, to top it all off, i can't even rent the car myself because i'm not 25. i can die for my country, smoke, drink, dance naked for money, get married and bear children but i simply cannot rent a ford minivan!

okay. i'll be back with more later.