six days:

until we're in europe. holy moly. i'm getting nervous about flying with the boo. i hope she does okay; at least she can nurse to pop her ears...

i did the first major clean of the house since we moved in. lemme tell you it's big excitement around here. we're trying to get things all spic-n-span for meme and adam since they'll be staying here while we're gone.

um, we may be going up north to see linda tomorrow since it's her birthday but after watching the news last night i'm not sure. there's supposed to be a major gas shortage this weekend and i think i'd feel sorta guilty using that much.

r and i watched a couple good thrillers this week; both are older ones. the first was 1991's "cape fear". i'm not sure how i missed this one before; so creepy! great casting though with robert de niro, nick nolte (before he was wacky), jessica lange, and juliette lewis. the second movie was 1993's "malice". another good cast with alec baldwin, nicole kidman, and bill pullman. not as creepy, but still good.

seen on bill maher: bush is sitting aound in the oval office tonight saying: what? i hugged negros all day, what more do you want from me?"