by the end of this week i MUST have a new insurance policy lined up for the three of us. unfortunately, i was planning on doing it this morning but r is working a double and i'm on baby duty ALL day!
i just got my september issue of family fun magazine and dang if the girl on the cover isn't wearing an orange sweater! the whole thing is filled with ideas for fall. so where in the heck did summer go? honestly, is august half way over now? by the time we get back from sicily it will be OCTOBER for christ's sake. that means halloween, then thanksgiving (which falls late? november 24th, i think), then christmas, then birthday season (p's 2nd, r's, mine, etc!). holy moly, why is it going so fast?
UPDATE (11.04pm): you know you have the flu when you feed your 19 month old chicken nuggets and french fries and don't even feel guilty. i feel like total crap. i woke up feeling how i assume it feels to have a hangover and it's gotten progressively worse today. hopefully tomorrow i'll feel better cause p's running circles around me.
i've discovered that without tv i'm a total book-ie. i've been reading somuchsofast, which, other than preventing me from doing productive things (ie UNPACKING), isn't really a bad thing. anyhow, i finished "timequake" and enjoyed it immensely. kv suggests these four ammendments to the constitution which i think we can all stand behind:
i just got my september issue of family fun magazine and dang if the girl on the cover isn't wearing an orange sweater! the whole thing is filled with ideas for fall. so where in the heck did summer go? honestly, is august half way over now? by the time we get back from sicily it will be OCTOBER for christ's sake. that means halloween, then thanksgiving (which falls late? november 24th, i think), then christmas, then birthday season (p's 2nd, r's, mine, etc!). holy moly, why is it going so fast?
UPDATE (11.04pm): you know you have the flu when you feed your 19 month old chicken nuggets and french fries and don't even feel guilty. i feel like total crap. i woke up feeling how i assume it feels to have a hangover and it's gotten progressively worse today. hopefully tomorrow i'll feel better cause p's running circles around me.
i've discovered that without tv i'm a total book-ie. i've been reading somuchsofast, which, other than preventing me from doing productive things (ie UNPACKING), isn't really a bad thing. anyhow, i finished "timequake" and enjoyed it immensely. kv suggests these four ammendments to the constitution which i think we can all stand behind:
article xxviii: every newborn shall be sincerely welcomed and cared for until maturity.
article xxix: every adult who needs it shall be given meaningful work to do, at a living wage.
article xxx: every person, upon reaching a statutory age of puberty, shall be declared an adult in a solemn public ritual, during which he or she much welcome his or her new responsibilites in the community, at their attendant dignities.
article xxxi: every effort shall be made to make every person feel that he or she will be sorely missed when he or she is gone.