'no, they ain't got a chance, they ain't got a chance i need a gun 'cos all i do is dance 'cos all i do is dance

last sunday bk asked to borrow a suitcase from me. when i asked why he told me he needed to 'move some stuff.' i chuckled and asked him what he meant. 'i just need to borrow a suitcase.' i told him he was being weird and told him to just tell me what he needed it for. 'i feel like there is a lot of stuff that is ours and that i need the suitcase and you can borrow it from me next time you need it. can i get it out of the shed? i may be going on a business trip and i have a lot of stuff to pack.' um...? i told him no, i'll get it and that he was welcome to borrow it but that i'd like it back when he was done. he got a little huffy and said we'd 'talk about it later' and left. on wednesday i forgot to get it out before he came and got the kids. he agreed to get it the next day and reiterated that he didn't get it and wanted to keep it at his place or something. he never called thursday. friday he texted to say that he was going to come after work to pick it up. his shift at the bar ends after 1am. i told him he could get it during the day saturday. he didn't call yesterday until 7pm. told me that he was probably leaving towards the end of the week but that he needed to start packing that night, couldn't wait to get it on sunday when he got the kids. he picked it up sometime after i went to bed.

i'm so confused. i'm pretty sure i offered him whatever 'stuff' he wanted when he left 2.5 years ago. i'm pretty sure all he took was his clothes, his fishing poles, and the contents of the hard liquor cabinet. i'm pretty sure that our divorce was settled a month ago and that page 5 states that 'wife is awarded the following property and liabilities itemized below [...]: [...] 2. household furniture, furnishings and appliances in her possession on the date of the signing of this agreement shall be deemed her sole and separate property.' and so on and so forth. isn't it a little late to be asking me for favors, having it both ways? the only thing that has made this bearable in the least is the idea that i have been able to move on and have my own life. one that i'm in control of and that he can't touch. don't get me wrong, i don't mind loaning the man a fucking suitcase. but why can't it just be 'hey, celeste, i need to borrow a suitcase because i'm going on a business trip. i'll return it when i'm back. would that be okay?' what is the continued need to lie and mindfuck? honest to god... just messin' with me or gonna do something strange? discuss amongst yourselves.