'the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation'

and i've been terrifically quiet for some reason. more introspective i guess than outrospective (eh? eh?). i've been doing however. we have a meeting on sunday morning with the director of the farmer's market which i'm so excited about. and today i built a macro photo studio because the ass hat at the camera store refused to sell me one (seriously, would not sell me anything - said it would be wrong to sell me anything for under $800, yeah, right!). anyway, it turned out pretty bad ass and i'll be using it to photograph the ganache easter eggs and bunny/chick alterna-peeps. :D

so, i decided to not file my taxes with bk, because...well because while yes, we were technically married on paper but um, i can file by myself and claim the kids. needless to say he's NOT happy about it and is letting me know it in a relatively blatant way. he doesn't get why i'm legally entitled to claim the kids and why i wouldn't rather file with him and split it. it's unfair and mean. i don't know, um, it was sort of unfair and mean to leave me with two tiny children. but of course i didn't say that. i haven't said boo about the late c/s either because, fuck i'm so done fighting and wasn't that the point of finalizing the divorce? and apparently his lawyer fired him and didn't tell him and i almost feel sorry for him because i was the one to break the news (got a letter from my lawyer).

and please say a few prayers tonight for my mom's aunt who is in kidney failure after fighting a long (and brave) battle with cancer. she's at peace and the family is at peace but positive loving thoughts never hurt anyone at all.