and the sixth stage of grief is ... guilt? or the one where we are saved from certain death by jehovah's witnesses

so for whatever reason over the past week or so i've been feeling tremendously guilty in regards to bk/r. almost almost compelled to tell him i'm sorry for whatever my part in our failed marriage was. which i've been feeling like is almost everything. i was cold. i was unkind. i was bossy. i was unwilling to change. i had impossibly high standards. i never wanted to have sex. i expected him to want the same things i did. i've been having guilt dreams, not all related to r, but nonetheless dreams where things are clearly my fault and i know it and i feel like shit about it. i don't know where this stuff is coming from. thankfully, the antidote to my guilt was a text message this morning saying that the child support would be a week late. *le sigh* (shutupyourstupidface i've been working a ton and i'll be just fine.)