so how about i find 31 random-cool things (31 days in december) on the interwebs like i'm oprah and this is my o-list? and since i'm uh, four days behind, i'll give you three today and an extra one tomorrow. okie-dokey. in no particular order...
5 piece brush set by ecotools
earth-friendly beauty: comes with 5 high-quality makeup brushes inside a natural cotton & hemp case. made with cruelty free hair and natural & recycled materials. i tried them and i really really love them. i have a few mac brushes from ages ago and honestly, i like these better because they're a little firmer and are only $13 for all five, not $20 a piece! i'm not a makeup person but i had FUN this morning. i even applied concealer under my eyes all fancy-like. i bought it for the little angled brush in the center of the pack and for eyebrows, and precision lining, it didn't disappoint.
your favorite shows are coming to an end for the season right? why not try a new one from the beginning? specifically: it's always sunny in phialdelphia. hilarious. irreverant. plus there are three seasons on dvd so there's several hours worth of episodes to catch up on. and when you're an enourmously dorky fan like i am, you can start to buy gear from the fx website. ya know, like the dayman t-shirt!
a snake & butterfly giftbox! (picture to follow tomorrow.) send one to your friends and family. give one to your realtor, your banker, your lawyer! buy one for yourself. sample some of our favorite chocolate-y things. comes in a pretty silver box tied all up in gold and silver ribbon! they come in three sizes and three prices, each an outta this world deal!
earth-friendly beauty: comes with 5 high-quality makeup brushes inside a natural cotton & hemp case. made with cruelty free hair and natural & recycled materials. i tried them and i really really love them. i have a few mac brushes from ages ago and honestly, i like these better because they're a little firmer and are only $13 for all five, not $20 a piece! i'm not a makeup person but i had FUN this morning. i even applied concealer under my eyes all fancy-like. i bought it for the little angled brush in the center of the pack and for eyebrows, and precision lining, it didn't disappoint.
a snake & butterfly giftbox! (picture to follow tomorrow.) send one to your friends and family. give one to your realtor, your banker, your lawyer! buy one for yourself. sample some of our favorite chocolate-y things. comes in a pretty silver box tied all up in gold and silver ribbon! they come in three sizes and three prices, each an outta this world deal!