windfall or same low low price, now with 50% more snark!

hey, love's still free right?

tonight, when i got home, i checked the mailbox and voila! there was my child support check. not cs minus the $60 in cash from earlier in the week but the full amount. color me stunned. $100 (that $60 plus the $40) was ample to get us by these past 5 days and now, with the full amount, life is rosy again. maybe it's wrong of me to budget around the actuality of child support but, i do. i'd like to start getting my check through his employer so there is no headache, for EITHER of us. and regardless of what you think of me and my financial travesties, he has a legal (and moral) obligation to his children. so thank you universe for the kick in the butt that came before the bills or christmas. :)