the one where i overwhelm you with media

another wild and crazy weekend. er. please note that our company employs child labor in both the packaging and the shipping departments. please note that we drink on the job. please note that we take our children out in public in their pajamas to mail your chocolate to you. please note that we let our children stay up until well after midnight, at which point the conk out on their own. please note d's disgruntled attitude at the christmas tree upstaging his birthday month. ;) please note that we are huge dorks and play rock band. okay?

this is my brother performing (downtown san jo at a cafe) a song that he wrote. wish there was more than 24 seconds... i can't believe this (almost) 21 year old man and very talented musician and all-around good human being is the same kid i met 13(?) years ago, the same one who used to irritate the crap out of me, sitting in his tighty-whiteys playing leggos. :)