_one flew over the cuckoo's nest_

what is it they say about teenagers brains not being fully developed yet? dumb and lazy indeed! ;) welcome to public high school in a GOOD district folks. four of my favorites:

Big nurses appearance in the novel is 'big breasted' with soft smooth skin which attracts men the way honey attracts bees.

Would you have the person that belongs in a mental hospital become president? If they were to make the decision to throw a nuclear bomb on a country, they might only do it to see the big mushroom.

Domineering woman often break a man's masculine spirit. Be it our DNA or the hormone testosterone, or perhaps our societies beliefs, men are often threatened when women seek a dominant role in our life. In author Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, many of the female characters are shown to be of dominant nature; controlling the men around them and eventually breaking down their male spirit. In today's society, men are often threatened when a woman puts herself in direct competition with men.

Nurse Ratched uses guilt tripping tactics like a tiger uses its teeth; just one chomp after another.

and, first child support payment due on saturday. *crosses fingers*

and, snakeandbutterfly.com to go live on friday with some seventy pounds of chocolate and hundreds of chocolate dipped gourmet marshmallows. look for something in your inbox on thursday.

and, graded 130 of 190 papers due by friday. _to kill a mockingbird_ _one flew over the cuckoo's nest_ & arthurian legend *oy*