i hate dragon tales, i'm just sayin' is all...

both kids lost their soccer games today but to such a degree that it was almost awesome, if that's possible. bk and the outlaws, along with bk's sister, came to the game (still no sign of miss bk). they all arrived at about 9.30 (missed practice, but whatever, they came and that's what's important). they met d for the first time and were super friendly to him. d's so easygoing and just made a fantastic impression (not that he needed to impress them). i was very proud to be there as his girlfriend and didn't feel any awkwardness at all. but this afternoon bk was super cold when he dropped the kids off. i'm not sure what was up but he was NOT happy at all. things seemed a bit tense between him and his parents, but it could've been my imagination. parker came home really hyper and 'renzo was inconsolable for almost an hour and a half, to the point that he gave himself a bloody nose.

the good news, b and i got over to the new place and got a good deal done as far as setting up. awesome and terrifying. this is the big leap. we're really going to do this. holy fuck we have a giant cubicle (that we assembled ourselves) and two white boards and giant industrial shelves (okay b did that one by himself). tomorrow or monday we're moving our equiptment in and we're going to start serious production in anticipation of the thousands and thousands of orders we'll be getting. eh? ah!