have i mentioned lately OR don't forget to read the comments section: maybe i'm a hasty fool!

that i'm really happy? and really deeply in love with my kids and this man? because if i haven't, i've been meaning to (or too? or two?). i like cheering the kids from the sidelines. i like grabbing the candy out of their hands in target. i like running getting sandwiches taller than lorenzo. i like hot tubbing on the full moon and hearing the kids squeal about ants. i like that d2 and miss p spun in circles for an hour this afternoon and that when asked if he was going to give a speech 'renzo asked d 'what your name? you want a dollar?' i like that things don't seem so impossible any more. i like that when a coach at the games this morning asked d how many kids we had he laughed and said 'three between us!' i like that i didn't have to wait 15 years to find someone to share this with.