someday, when you're older, you'll understand that what you did was wrong

spent a nice relaxing couple of days down at my grandparent's condo in carmel. we all (my grandparents, the kids and i) got to celebrate my mom's birthday and walk around town. nice to be able to escape somewhere so close that feels so far away. i'm kicking myself for remembering the camera and forgetting the memory card.

d is down visiting d2 in san diego. i'm missing them both. :(

not much else to share at the moment, nothing new anyway. p wouldn't go with bk today when he arrived 15 minutes late. he seemed quite angry at her but acknowledged that i'm doing all i can to get her to go. i tried briefly to restrain her and put her in her carseat but it would've taken two of us and it just felt wrong on many levels. she stayed and helped me go through some of her toys 'to give to the poor kids.' generous little girl. when bk brought 'renzo back he walked in my front door without knocking or calling out that it was him. remind me to lock my doors even in the middle of the afternoon...