d and i finally went and saw the dark night last night and damn if we didn't feel we got our $20 (for 2 tickets) worth (plus $13.50 for candy (red vines, rasinettes, and milk duds) and soda (diet pepsi), like no duh, thanks d). we really enjoyed this movie from start to finish. let me tell you, i'm tough to please 'cause my dad and i used to watch the 1960's tv series with adam west. that man was a real hottie his costume but i'm happy to report that christian bale came in a respectable second on my totally meaningless sexy scale. (this guy disagrees but makes some good points, nonetheless). in all seriousness heath ledger was incredible as the joker and i hope he gets an oscar nom and not just because of his unfortunate passing. also, though i didn't see batman begins (but i now intend to) i suspect i liked maggie gyllenhaal more than i would've liked katie holmes as rachel dawes, but as usual couldn't help but think 'boy, jake really got the looks in that family, didn't he?' despite the fact that i find her genuinely very beautiful in an odd, i-wouldn't-necessarily-trade-faces-with-her, but damn i'll try on her chestplate sort of way.
who was your favorite batman?