the regrouping

so i hear the concern about my lawyer and that's fine. i'm very confident in his abilities (i'm not going to get into the why on that) and i do plan to ask him to explain to me exactly what happened today. if he made a mistake (and let's remember, lawyers are human being too) i know he'll fix it. my instinct tells me that a combination of things happened. until i hear from him, i'm not going to speculate and worry myself sick about all of this. it's done. i feel i accomplished something because i went to court, held up until we got outside, and won't be scared next time. i also decided (once and for all) that i'll no longer be communicating with bk unless it is in writing or through my lawyer. so that cord has finally been severed and i'm a little more free than i was yesterday. eh?

i'm going to take this time (however long it may be before the next hearing or dcss meeting) to regroup and refocus. i'm going to do everything i can to get this business up and really really running so that i can tell the judge hey, i've GOT a full time job AND i take care of my kids full time. and i'm going to scrounge any money i can to start seeing bob once a week or at least every other week and work on what the hell i've been hit with. i'm going to continue to document the shit outta my life and start to submit some of my writing to publications (hey, a little freelance work could bring in a bit of money). i'm going to continue to act with integrity and let my children, my partner, my friends & my family be the focus of my attention.

in the short term, the four of us are going to visit d's nanny up near bear valley. a meandering drive, fresh air, hiking, an escape...