this is your brain on drugs

parker called out to me at about 1.30 last night and climbed into my bed shortly after. at 1.45 she sat up and projectile vomited all over herself, the bedding, the side of the bed, the bedside chair, the carpet, some cords. i rushed her to the bathroom where she finished barfing in the toilet, ran her a bath and let her soak while i spent 45 minutes stripping the bed and cleaning up.

and you know what i was thinking the whole time? thank god for my car, my ever-lovin' car. i am so lucky that the government subsidizes dairy and that i get to do this all by myself, every single day. my kids don't need fresh fruits and veggies and they certainly don't need a father. physical and emotional health are clearly overrated! and baby, we've got a CAR!