teach your children well,
their father's hell did slowly go by,
and feed them on your dreams
the one they picked, the one you'll know by.
so much of the last year (and more) has been spent getting by and getting to the next big thing. and i feel like in many ways i missed out on parker's 3 year-old year and much of lorenzo's first year. i'm making a point during the day to slow things down and appreciate them. yesterday parker and i made a book (i'll scan it in, it's so friggin' cute). she drew the pictures and dictated the words for me to write. we had a blast. it's incredible the creativity that comes out of these little beasts. today we took a walk up the trail to the perc ponds. 'renz chased canadian geese that are bigger than he is (and stepped in their huge droppings, lovely). parker collected "cool rocks" and other various quasi-nature finds. it was a really beautiful day and i enjoyed just being with them. *le sigh*
speaking of really incredible kids...i recorded a documentary on hbo called autism: the musical. it "follows five autistic children [including stephen stills's son wyatt (of crosby stills nash & young)] as they work together to create and perform a live musical production." wow. i was bawling my eyes out through parts of it. you can stream it here and i highly recommend that you do.
go hug your kids and tell them you love them. :) (or your pet or your partner or your friend or yourself...)