ah yes, the traditional easter argument... bk called to wish p a happy easter (2.30ish) and when she got on the phone with him she asked "why do you cancel all the time daddy?" this went on for 5 minutes and she handed the phone back to me. "what the hell was that about? there is no way a four year old comes up with that on her own? i don't cancel all the time." it took me 15 minutes to calm him down. i did not put her up to that. yes "cancel" is my word. is there another word you'd prefer i use instead? can you call and tell her when you're cancelling so i don't always have to be the bad guy? i don't make disparaging remarks about you to the kids. don't you think i would benefit from you having a good relationship with them? don't you think i need a break once in a while?
i found myself feeling guilty for something i didn't even do. let me make it plainly clear here. i have no intention of cutting him out of the kids lives (unless he becomes a danger to them or something). while it is nice to fantasize about having all the financial security and none of the interaction with him, i do believe the kids should have a relationship with him in the capacity he is capable of. if at some point they decide it isn't worth it, that's their decision.
oh yeah, and then he cancelled for tuesday.
i found myself feeling guilty for something i didn't even do. let me make it plainly clear here. i have no intention of cutting him out of the kids lives (unless he becomes a danger to them or something). while it is nice to fantasize about having all the financial security and none of the interaction with him, i do believe the kids should have a relationship with him in the capacity he is capable of. if at some point they decide it isn't worth it, that's their decision.
oh yeah, and then he cancelled for tuesday.