and also

the kids health insurance has lapsed.

the car insurance on his car (that my name is still on) has lapsed. the dmv sent a letter saying that the registration has been cancelled too.

i offered to let bk stay at my house with the kids to watch them and he declined. "they're just going to cry if you leave."

i called today to see if he wants to meet the three of us for lunch tomorrow by his work. he ignored my calls. i left a message. no reply yet...

i'm trying people. i don't know what else to do. i can't make him be the father i want him to be for our kids. and againagainagain, this blog isn't all of me or the story, ever. i just can't put into words the rest of who we are and what we're going through. and if i could, i suspect you'd all find it VERY boring (and then, my dad came over and i went to kinkos to make copies. i found a guy's credit card in the machine and i took it up to the counter. i made 134 copies and the printer only jammed twice...)