we're THIS close to a settlement. i stood my ground. i was not intimidated. the mediator advised him to settle out of court/dcss because i am being more reasonable than any judge/commissioner would be when they hear he hasn't paid child support in 6+ months. he was indignant that he wasn't 'obligated' to give me any money for those first six months. he cried. he sighed. he looked angry. he looked resigned. for a moment he looked like r, not bk. i told him that if this isn't resolved and done (meaning i'm getting my money) i will proceed with the legal system and they'll begin to garnish his wages. i told him my intention isn't to punish him or make his life miserable (both true). i told him that i love him as the father of my kids (somewhere very very very deep). i told him that i will do whatever i have to to take care of our kids. i offered him this sunday with them and he said 'we'll see.' i feel very comfortable with the final settlement and all that's left to do is sign (after our respective lawyers look over the doc. we have an appointment in two weeks. and then, this will be done.
on a side note, bk pointed out in the parking lot that he's going bald (stress possibly?). i'm not sure why he pointed that out. i think that explains why he went vegan (b called that one about two weeks ago), at least in part. he's lost 20 pounds (i'm guessing he weighs 130 tops; he's 5'9'') and looks generally haggard. i was feeling kind of bad for him until i noticed his GUCCI watch. this gucci watch. this gucci watch that retails for $1795. ya'll that's american dollars, not pesos, ya hear?
so what's a girl to do? go to target and splurge on a 75% off t-shirt of course! yeah. it cost a whopping $2.99 and i had a gift card m'kay? see, cute hendrix shirt? right? too bad no one told me that it says 'FOXY LADY' on the back! doh.