small miracles

yesterday i was taking a nap with lorenzo (miracle #1) and my cell rang and woke me up. it was bk's dad. he asked if i had a minute to talk. my heart only skipped one beat and i resigned myself to a tongue lashing about filing with dcss.

him: i was calling to thank you for the gift (a merle haggard cd that i made him) you sent up for my birthday.

me: oh...?

him: i just found it buried under a stack of papers and i put it on. thank you. that was so thoughtful.

me: of course, i hope you had a nice birthday.

him: i did and actually i was also calling to tell you we want you and the kids to come up anytime you want. you're more than welcome here.

me: *bursting into tears* do you really mean that j?

him: of course i do.

me: *sniffle* good. 'cause i've really missed you guys.

him: celeste, you're still our family.

me: *waaahhh* thank you so much j; i'll be in touch soon.

holy mary mother of god. if you knew these people, you'd know what an incredible gesture (especially the "family" part) this was. honestly, one reason i waited so long to file with dcss was because i was scared that this would be the nail in the coffin of our 12 year relationship. after i saw that my pictures were down, i kind of thought it was all over. i suspect there's another explanation...