10.47 - bk calls and says he'll be over in 15 to get the kids. cool, maybe he got the message that he needs to call before coming over!
11.20 - bk arrives to get the kids and tells me he'll have them back at 3. apparently he didn't get the message that he should arrive on time and keep them as per our agreement (until 4 pm).
11.35 - pick up b for brunch. assure him that i would never take him to IHOP for breakfast and then take him somewhere with equally terrible ambiance but a really good dutch baby. hey i enjoyed my breakfast. and *waves* ran into my mom's cousin natalie and she awesomely picked up our tab. woot!
1.43 - drop b off, get home excited to have a bit of time to myself.
2.04 - bk calls to make sure i'm home, he's bringing the kids back. blah blah something about a parade and parking and needing to leave early or some crap. gah!!!
5.30 - go grab a bite with mom and the kids. somehow ('renzo-tornado?) we all wind up with guacamole on us.
6.15 - i convince mom we need to go to target and it turns out to be a worthwhile excursion as we immediately encounter two awesomely bad trannies (5 o'clock shadow, yo!) and witnessed a young shoplifter being tackled by a six foot six black security guy in a suit (AWESOME). i TOLD you it would be awesome.
10.47 - bk calls and says he'll be over in 15 to get the kids. cool, maybe he got the message that he needs to call before coming over!
11.20 - bk arrives to get the kids and tells me he'll have them back at 3. apparently he didn't get the message that he should arrive on time and keep them as per our agreement (until 4 pm).
11.35 - pick up b for brunch. assure him that i would never take him to IHOP for breakfast and then take him somewhere with equally terrible ambiance but a really good dutch baby. hey i enjoyed my breakfast. and *waves* ran into my mom's cousin natalie and she awesomely picked up our tab. woot!
1.43 - drop b off, get home excited to have a bit of time to myself.
2.04 - bk calls to make sure i'm home, he's bringing the kids back. blah blah something about a parade and parking and needing to leave early or some crap. gah!!!
***bunch of nothingness***
5.30 - go grab a bite with mom and the kids. somehow ('renzo-tornado?) we all wind up with guacamole on us.
6.15 - i convince mom we need to go to target and it turns out to be a worthwhile excursion as we immediately encounter two awesomely bad trannies (5 o'clock shadow, yo!) and witnessed a young shoplifter being tackled by a six foot six black security guy in a suit (AWESOME). i TOLD you it would be awesome.