sounds of silence

sorry for the lack of riveting (are they ever riveting?) posts lately. i'm in a state of indecision as to whether i should tell bk that i've filed with dcss. it's not that i think he deserves a heads up (it's not like he has ever prepared me for the bombs he's dropped) but rather that i don't want him to catch me off guard when he is served. i have no idea what kind of reaction to expect from him but i suspect he's going to flip and say, "i thought we were going to play nice. i don't know why you had to turn it nasty" or something along those lines. i'm debating about having my dad tell him or seeing if i can schedule (and more importantly, make him come to) an appointment with either bob or the mediator.

i think i'm sort of in denial about the whole thing. there's this fuzziness looking back at the last year, shit the last ten years, because i still cannot comprehend how exactly it is someone can change so dramatically, and why. i imagine in the end i'll know i've healed when i can just sit peacefully with the idea that i'll likely never know the reasons.