there isn't much going on at the moment. we're having one of those lovely lulls wherein bk isn't around and therefore my life is easy because parker is emotionally stable. we had a nice relaxing christmas and since d & b were both out of town the kids and i will get to celebrate some more. as it turns out we're significantly more spoiled since bk left. hello (one of many many many) upsides!
i'm expecting that some excitement will be coming in january as things will be playing out with dcss. i'm too burnt on being FLAT ASS broke to really give a crap about the repercussions that i may be facing. ultimately he'll be facing the real consequences i guess. money is just the beginning.
in big kid news: miss p got a loft bed for christmas and spent her very first night ever alone in her own room. no tears, no nothing. she was clearly ready to transition outta the family bed. *sniffle* she'll be four in a few weeks.
i'm expecting that some excitement will be coming in january as things will be playing out with dcss. i'm too burnt on being FLAT ASS broke to really give a crap about the repercussions that i may be facing. ultimately he'll be facing the real consequences i guess. money is just the beginning.
in big kid news: miss p got a loft bed for christmas and spent her very first night ever alone in her own room. no tears, no nothing. she was clearly ready to transition outta the family bed. *sniffle* she'll be four in a few weeks.