puff puff

if i was a smoker i'd be outside right now. lucky for you (and my lungs) i'm a writer, not a smoker.

bk calls and asks to talk to p. i tell him sure but i needed to talk to him about a couple of things afterwards. hand p the phone, she talks for a sec, looks at me, says she is actually talking to auntie bk and then hands me the phone. bk gets on and says in a pissy tone, "is there some sort of a problem with p talking to miss bk?" um, no. why? he proceeds to try and pick a fight with me like i wrastled parker to the ground in order that she doesn't talk to that worthless ho. i didn't engage. whatevs!

so then i tell him he has two choices: reschedule the mediation and sign the damn document or get a lawyer and see me in court. i assume you'd prefer to use the mediatior. he wasn't happy but he agreed. once he signs the papers i can go to the local child support agency (lcsa) and sue him for back child support, back medical and his half of the legal fees which i will float in order to get this crap done. i don't expect to get what i am due right away but they will enforce what i do not have the energy to enforce. did you know that if you don't pay your child support the lcsa can: attach your wages, report you to the credit agencies, deny you a passport, put a lien on any property you may own, take your driver's license away, intercept your tax refunds, take funds directly out of your bank account and more? no? didn't think so ass face. just wait.

then i told him (because i told him i would because i am an adult and not a weenie) that i am seeing d. oh, that's fine. no shit. i have your permission to date now? that's so great for me! wow thanks r! so we hang up and he calls back and asks if i am done talking. um yes, as indicated by us saying "goodbye" and me HANGING UP. so, is d a nice guy? no. not at all. i hate his guts and he's a big jerk but he's the first loser to show an iota of interest in me and i am THAT hard up. okay? rub it in why don't you. but i didn't say that because he is nice and i'm NOT hard up... like i said, whatevs!