hey look, a list!

1) el frickin' camino!

2) i had my oncology appointment today (no results until sometime next week). it's always a little strange and wonderful to be back there. even after all these years there are still a lot of people that i know. it's neat to show off my kids, i guess they're proof that i'm still alive. the last time i was up there was right before bk left. things have changed.

3) lorenzo has tremendously sweaty/stinky feet. bad. really.

4) oh and your cat's still dead!

5) ikea is awesome. mom and the kids and i went today and yes, i found about 75 bajillion things that i want.

6) i have no emotional energy to talk about all the important things that i have to say. seems like fridays do that to me. tomorrow. okay?

7) dan in real life