so this morning my dad watched the kids for me so that i could have an appointment with bob. it was nice to just talk and be listened to, ya know? to be reassured that while i'm being rat-fucked now in certain ways, i'll come out on top in the end. that as far as mature vs. immature, i'm ahead. that as far as responsible vs. irresponsible, i'm ahead. that as far as a good bet, i'm it. that i was asking him to uphold his commitments and he was asking me to relax and have more fun. there were some references to crashing boats and siren songs and how girls like that are covering up for things. that i have staying power and something going on underneath. that he was a puer aeternus (latin for forever boy) *eyes widen* and that it won't happen again because i wouldn't be so silly as to be attracted to one of those again. and he ended the session with a big pep talk and do i really really believe that there are good people (men people) out there who will find me alluring and see the value in me? and yes, i do. and that's neat i'm doing that stupid cliche thing of turning lemons into lemonade and then selling it at a huge profit.
and then i got home and took parker to her ina appointment and got another little pep talk because you can never really have too many of those in a day.
and then i had to meet r at the bank because he's trying to qualify to get an apartment but i wasn't pushed over and we went to a notary because i insisted because who knows how things will change in 5 minutes.
and then we met r at the grocery store he asked me again how are things with b? and i said fine because what do i say when i know that he nearly broke his hand in a shake and then called him for what reason exactly? and p said something about the ow's car looking like b's *scratches head* and insisted that she's met him (she hasn't) so that was really confusing. but then they went up to his parents' for dinner and i got to eat dinner and do my ironing and you all know that ironing relaxes me so that is just what i did.
and then i got home and took parker to her ina appointment and got another little pep talk because you can never really have too many of those in a day.
and then i had to meet r at the bank because he's trying to qualify to get an apartment but i wasn't pushed over and we went to a notary because i insisted because who knows how things will change in 5 minutes.
and then we met r at the grocery store he asked me again how are things with b? and i said fine because what do i say when i know that he nearly broke his hand in a shake and then called him for what reason exactly? and p said something about the ow's car looking like b's *scratches head* and insisted that she's met him (she hasn't) so that was really confusing. but then they went up to his parents' for dinner and i got to eat dinner and do my ironing and you all know that ironing relaxes me so that is just what i did.