i've been feeling oddly brave the past days or so. i'm going to go with it and use the momentum to move through some of the things i've been avoiding or putting off. i called the mediator this morning. i called the court. i called wic. i have appointments with bob and ina this week. i've started to talk about a future that i believe is actually possible and that i'll be happy with.
b and i are operating from the point of view that our business is already a success and talking about what we need to do to open the storefront/cafe/bookstore/import/art/thingie-ma-jig. not if. when. we've found a rhythm that's pushing us forward and ideas keep working and falling into place. my only complaint is that we are mainly required to work in the middle of the night. *yawn* anyway, he has all of next week off of work so we're going to finish up the boring stuff (the paperwork) and then resume work on packaging, pricing, logos, menus, organic certification, etc.