so he left and the nurse walked by, gave me a dirty look for breastfeeding and closed the curtain so no one would see me. i opened the curtain again and smiled. and then it happened again. *chuckles*
then just as i got 'renzo to sleep they strapped him down on one of those awful boards (up there) and gave him a lidocaine shot to numb his finger. *sob* i think i was more upset than he was but he screamed and thrashed to get out. he held nice and still while they removed the nail and bandaged the finger. then, of course, he ripped off the bandage the second they let him off the papoose board. i even bought him (read: me) special glow-in-the-dark spongebob bandaids but he wasn't impressed and chewed that off too.
when i got home (r, the mother-fucking saint that he is, watched p for two hours) parker had a giant goose egg on her forehead and a scrape next to her nose 'cause she "bonked while she was playing on daddy's skateboard." yes, the same child that was dry heaving this morning at six am.
when i got home (r, the mother-fucking saint that he is, watched p for two hours) parker had a giant goose egg on her forehead and a scrape next to her nose 'cause she "bonked while she was playing on daddy's skateboard." yes, the same child that was dry heaving this morning at six am.
dear god, cut me some fucking slack. m'kay? love, me
someone say something. i'm going out of my friggin' mind. *sheepish* =D