i was looking around
cnn.com to see if there were any new reports on the trapped
miners in utah(no) and found this
video about the man who portrays jesus at
the holy land experience in orlando. this is a $16 million dollar attraction near disney world. a christian
theme park. they reinact the crucifixion and hawk lots of food and gifts. the header on the official website invites you to "look into the eyes of the one who changed history" (for a mere $35 admission fee). ya'll know it isn't
actually jesus right? it's an actor impersonating jesus. like if you go and see an elvis impersonator and he shakes your hand you aren't actually shaking the hand of the man who changed rock and roll, you're shaking the hand of a man
impersonating the man who changed rock and roll. does this strike anyone else as odd? i mean, i think people of like minds should be able to congregate and worship together if they so choose but should they really have to pay $7.50 for a "steaming foot long hot dog" while they're doing so? does your kid need an "i've been to the holy land and all i got was this bleepin' t-shirt!" to prove that he climbed the wilderness rock-wall in the kidventure area the h.l.e.?
The Holy Land Experience understands theatrics, and apparently does not hesitate to tinker with a Bible story if it makes for better staging. The costumed woman in one of the gift shops, for example, told us of the attraction's elaborate Easter pageant. "And, of course, the ending is spectacular...."
"Yes," we replied, anxious not to miss the start of The Theater of Life video. "We kind of already know how the story ends."
"Oh, but you don't know OUR ending," she said, her face aglow. "After the resurrection you think Jesus is going to appear through the Temple doors. Instead he appears on TOP of the Temple! Six stories up! In spotlights! Those people on I-4 are swervin'! They're saying to themselves, 'Wow, those Christians are RIGHT!'" funny review