mmm, mealy!

walking to the bus downtown seattle the other day we walked past a window of beautiful candy/caramel apples. (if you know me at all, you know that i love food on a stick. i go to street fairs just to partake in meat on a stick. the person at the farmer's market that has chocolate dipped bananas (damn her for thinking of it first) had better watch out for me. corn dogs: my reason for visiting the boardwalk). they really were lovely looking. i took parker in and let her choose one (cherry candy *blech* can't count on a kid to have good taste all the time) and i got a caramel one drizzled with dark chocolate (i'm doing my research okay?). yeah, that set me back $15. that's right, the rocky mountain chocolate factory (a big ole' chain i realize now) sells their "famous" dipped apples for upwards of $7. they had one (with marshmallows, nuts, chocolate...) for FOURTEEN DOLLARS. which would be okay (maybe) if they were any good. if you know me at all you know that i hate a mealy tasteless apple. and isn't washington like the yummy apple capital or something? skip the $6 chocolate dipped strawberry (<-- ONE) too. check out there store on 1st street in seattle (near the market-ish), admire the lovely presentation, snap a few photos for your blog (see above), but don't bother buying anything. stay tuned, i'll sell you some REAL chocolate delectable-ness. and to the not very friendly cashier: oh by the way, my daughter did lick the candy coating before you cut the apple. sorry!