6 minute free write

appluesauce on th3e stove and no backspacing the point to keep moving forward through the mistakes and the blanks. how was my workout? it completed me it was enough it made me ache and sweat you lying puiece of shit how fo you think it was. like she wouldn't tell me that dave clalled that you wouldn't take her swimming becaue the pool is too cold and the hot tub too hot? like she wouldn't notice that i was gone that you were her only home like i am the whore like you can't get a fucking job like your mom is the liar not you not you not you never you you you you like this isn't all your fault for the story you keep telling yourself. four minutes left the story changes evrey fucjking time. and let/s get it on (waves to austin( haven't bled this much since the last time you ruined things for the wrong way i birthed nad concieved of this notion that little man that little sidekick that wing man and i fdon't thing he did steriods i think you were selling crack to the kids on the street corner and who in the hell was smoking pot at the ymca and am i the only one on eatrh with out an ipod? and the fucking phone was dropped in the water and i can't hear you at all not that i was listening in the first place. two minutes and i'm underpaid and oversexed and organic and there is just not enough to keep me afloat with you tethered to me and drowning the pregnant ladt that keepind in time with the rest of the music gorrilaz that mike spelled wrong but thta makes it better and feel less stolen and i hate the fact that he's keeping me waiting becaue ding