(some) people are good

'renzo had his 1 year (!!!) checkup at the ped's this morning. he weighed in at a whopping 21 pounds 4 ounces. (miss p didn't weigh that until about 18 months). he's 31 inches long. big smart healthy happy baby boy. he's still nursing 6+ times in 24 hours and sits and eats with us at every meal. he's running (scary). he talks, claps, points, waves, and understands a scary amount of verbal direction. he's curious. he's a big time climber. and he makes me very very happy.

i know i've talked about her before but i have to say again how wonderful our pediatrician is. she has a small practice and because she is so crunchy (doesn't vaccinate, uses natropathy and homeopathy, will not circ, is pro extended-breastfeeding, is pro co-sleeping, does home visits) she doesn't work with insurance. she generally charges $175 a visit and is SO worth the money. she sits and spends 20+ minutes chatting before every appointment and since r left has been incredible. she knows the hell we've been going through. today she only charged me $100 for the visit. she told me never to let money be an issue when making appointments with her. if i can't pay, she won't charge me. thank you universe for putting this amazing doctor and human being in my path. my kids love her. i love her.

and also. i filed my response for the divorce. it was easier than i thought it would be and the lady at the clerk's office was helpful and nice. i applied for the fee waiver too. it costs $320 to file a response (???). *crosses fingers*

*whew* we're off to the airport at 3.00 tomorrow morning. yipes, that's a little more than 12 hours from now! wish us calm travels. 'renzo is liable to be a MAJOR handful! bringing a laptop so i'll be (hopefully) posting from dc very soon.