oh yeah, happy father's day

r came over on saturday. he was 40 minutes late (at least he called) and only stayed for about an hour and a half. he didn't thank me for the portraits i had done of the kids, the snowglobe i let parker pick out from the thrift store, or the handprint t-shirt i facilitated. yeah. (and no, he didn't ever get me anything for mother's day.) p was SO excited. she got all dressed up and had grammy fix her hair special. she was pretty deflated and clingy after about 10 minutes with him (texting supposedly about work).

we never heard from him yesterday. the "ow" is having rhinoplasty today so i suspect we may not hear from him tonight either. he took yesterday, today and tomorrow off but cancelled his visits until wednesday.

miss p had her first day of summer camp today! she did pretty well, i stayed about half the time. we'll see how she does tomorrow.

OH i almost forgot. there are WAY MORE than three baby hamsters. like, at least six or seven. they're starting to come out of the nest so i'll post a picture and a headcount when i get a chance.

whaddaya know, he called. miss p didn't want to talk to him and he didn't ask about her first day of camp or how any of us are doing (tired).