the sunday slows

how swift are the feet of the days of the years of youth. -mark twain
yesterday my mom and the kids and i went to the annual homebirth families' reunion that my midwife hosts at a park near her house. we had a really nice time, visited with families that we haven't seen in a year. parker bounced herself silly in a jumping house that was at the park (intended for a baseball carnival). lorenzo even took a turn (with my mom's help). i enjoyed a slice of the richest most yummiest chocolate cake ever.

r never called yesterday. he has parker right now, was really tired and out of it seeming when he walked down here to my mom's to get her. i offered to keep 'renzo while he napped. i told him i could call him when he woke up or just keep him with me so he could just be with parker. he's spending the time with parker. i don't know whether to push him. he says he wants to be a better dad. but he's not there.

i'm feeling panicky after everything that happened last week, like i'm waiting for something else to happen. i really need to focus my energy on positive outcomes so i don't have to live scared all the time.

oy, i'll upload the rest of the pictures from the trip when i get home later.