bob day, number eleventy-seven

we had a two hour appointment with bob this morning and i think we are in agreement on the finances. sort of. in any case we haven't settled on a number but we're getting closer.

the second hour revolved around the ow. bob was very much in agreement with me that the way new partners are introduced is very delicate and potentially disruptive. that it is way too soon and a year is a very reasonable minimum at this point. bob also said that p is no dummy and she'll sense that the ow is more than just a friend (in other words lying to her is a lame option).

r kept up his mantra: "that's unrealistic. that's arbitrary." not, i love this woman, she will be positive in the kids' lives. not i understand your concerns and i want to do what's in the best interest of our precious children. just, "that's unrealistic." he thinks i won't be able to hold myself to the same standards. that i'm just doing this to be "stubborn" and i'm going to be pissed when i realize that i've "backed myself into a corner" since i "have the kids 95% of the time."

he also seems to think i'm not going to be able to find a man who is willing to wait around for a year before meeting my kids. and of course, i'm not charming enough or smart enough or pretty enough that a guy will understand that maybe i can only see him once a month. "it's just unrealistic." no. just because YOU don't want me doesn't mean someone else won't either. (keep your damn mouth shut gentleman scholar.) in fact, the only man i want in my life is one that is willing to be second in my life, behind my kids. m'kay?

r keeps saying he wants to consolidate the four most important things in his life (working, his kids, fishing, and the ow (yes, sadly, in that order)). poor baby, he doesn't have enough free time. cause you know, between my clubbing night, my bridge night, my date night, my movie night, and my manicures/massages i barely have ANY free time. a little credit would go a long way...something along the lines of, "oh, thank you for raising our kids for me so that i can take care of really important stuff like knocking boots with my new girlfriend!"
