mamas don't let your babies grow up to be douche bags

i felt the (apparently) irresistible urge to use the phrase "douche bag" in this post. sorry. i'm feeling generally derogatory today.

i had a good appointment with bob this morning wherein (<--i think that may be the word of the week. play along people, there may be prizes at the end of this.) i leveled with bob about r and he leveled with me. i've felt kind of like r is blowing smoke up my ass (and bob's for that matter) during our last several appointments. like he's saying the right things but really has no intention of following through. can you say: "big huge waste of money"? anyway, it was important to me that i get to bitch a little bit in a clinical way without being censored by "being nice" or "patient" or "see! i knew you were a controlling bitch!" i had to let bob in on how dramatic the changes have been, wanted to know if they could all be explained away by alcohol abuse. the answer to that is no. i have three current (and totally unfounded?) theories: drug abuse (coke?), a woman (or man?), a serious mental disorder (more than depression). comments from the peanut gallery?

anyway bob is feeling like it may be time for us (bob and i) to "let go" of r, stop trying to keep him "in orbit" and let him feel (or not) the consequences of his actions (or lack there of). *okaye* i asked him if i can continue to see him on an individual basis (yes) and also if he would see us through all the paperwork and negotiating (yes).

any fans of bar/pub golf out there (other than my babies' daddy)? (see variation TWO, i believe that is the local kind.) *bangs head against wall* *waves at amanda* woo-hoo!

how did i get here?

this post has been brought to you by:

the makers of question everything - a new board game for those suffering from delusions of grandeur and acute paranoia!


*out of breath*

oh oh oh and also, this one time, yesterday actually, i went and got my lab slips so that i could, um you know, be tested for chlamydia and hiv and herpes and and and hep c! uh-huh all of the danger, none of the fun.

okay, i'm done being irreverent. i'll come back when i've sobered up from that margarita i had last night. kidding. *waves at amanda again*