180 days

you've missed

179 bedtimes
360 toddler teeth brushings
750 stories
4 airplane rides
16 sushi dinners
1 christmas eve
3 new years kisses
our son's first steps
our son's first words (mama & kitty & more)
50 trips to the hot tub
30,000 tears over skinned knees and bonked heads
the joy of pure unadulterated exhaustion
a friendship that could've sustained you forever, if you had let it
4 toddler colds
my first attempt at stuffed french toast (divine)
our daughter's unquestioning faith in you
lots of giggles and hugs
3 grandparents who loved you unconditionally
3 parents who loved you unconditionally
1 brother who loved you unconditionally
countless aunts & uncles & cousins & friends who loved you unconditionally
238 of my hilarious puns
25 trips from the shed to the curb with the garbage and recycling
1 flourishing herb garden and our daughter's first harvest of sweet peas
lots of dirty diapers
my strength and grace and beauty under fire