so. i lived through the wic appointment this morning. the orientation consisted of a lady coming into the conference room and playing a 20 minute video on the wic program. oh, we also got some pamplets. consider yourself oriented people.
after the orientation the kids and i went back into a cubicle wherein i gave the lady some papers i had filled out. she asked me what flavors of juice i wanted. she asked for the kids' social security numbers. she didn't seem to care that the kids aren't being vaxed. she weighed me and told me i'm underweight. duh. i have to go back next month for an adult nutrition class. *okaye!*
then i got my food vouchers. holy mother of god and the sweet baby jesus do i have vouchers. you would think i am feeding a family of 11 and having the neighbors over for dinner. our ONE month pack of vouchers includes:
10 (TEN!) GALLONS of milk!!! in other words, miss p and i have over a gallon EACH, each week.
5 POUNDS of cheese
4 DOZEN eggs
3 POUNDS dry beans/peas
2 POUNDS carrots
640 OUNCES of juice (that's the approximate equivalent of 54 sodas...)
96 OUNCES of cereal (over six boxes)
24 OUNCES of tuna (only four cans)
my plan is to stock up on the stuff that won't spoil and put it away in case r loses another job or in case we have an earthquake or something... as for the milk, eggs, and cheese: HOLY CRAP!
after the orientation the kids and i went back into a cubicle wherein i gave the lady some papers i had filled out. she asked me what flavors of juice i wanted. she asked for the kids' social security numbers. she didn't seem to care that the kids aren't being vaxed. she weighed me and told me i'm underweight. duh. i have to go back next month for an adult nutrition class. *okaye!*
then i got my food vouchers. holy mother of god and the sweet baby jesus do i have vouchers. you would think i am feeding a family of 11 and having the neighbors over for dinner. our ONE month pack of vouchers includes:
10 (TEN!) GALLONS of milk!!! in other words, miss p and i have over a gallon EACH, each week.
5 POUNDS of cheese
4 DOZEN eggs
3 POUNDS dry beans/peas
2 POUNDS carrots
640 OUNCES of juice (that's the approximate equivalent of 54 sodas...)
96 OUNCES of cereal (over six boxes)
24 OUNCES of tuna (only four cans)
my plan is to stock up on the stuff that won't spoil and put it away in case r loses another job or in case we have an earthquake or something... as for the milk, eggs, and cheese: HOLY CRAP!