r came over for the first time since thursday to see the kids. i was feeling really down yesterday. he told me that he had picked up a shift for wednesday (today) and was planning on going out in the evening so he wouldn't be around. i told him how hard it is to hear him say that because i would think that he would want to be here 5-7 days a week. i told him i'm trying to build a life for the kids and i and we need to know realistically how much to expect him in our lives. he didn't say anything. i said, would you like to visit 3 times a week? he said "yeah, that's good." i fully expected an argument, that of course he wanted to see them more. so, now he's coming three days a week (days/times to be determined every monday after he gets his work schedule) for 2 to 4 hours. he used to spend a minimum of 8 hours/day with them. he'll now be spending between 6 and 12 hours a week. i feel like i've failed these kids so badly. :o(