8 months

'renzer is 8 months old, was actually yesterday. *drops jaw* i can't believe it. he is such a joyful baby. i feel blessed to spend almost every waking (and sleeping) moment with such a vibrant and happy little man. i think he weighs about 19-20 pounds. he's so close to walking. he signed to me for the first time a few days ago ("more" & "eat"). he LOVES to eat and screeches if he isn't included in something.

have i mentioned that i'm making myself sick on these ridiculously good cookies? i don't even generally like sugar cookies but these are just stupid good. i keep telling myself that they're good for me because they're made with butter not some other lesser fat! (note to self: did i just say "good" three times in three sentences? come up with some more creative adjectives lady.)