so sue me

i've had another stomach bug this week and have been a little behind on well, everything. despite the rumble in my gut-not to mention the screaming toddler in the living room-i'm here to post. at least until the call of nature can wait no longer. first i will deal with the nasty little issue of zob questions and then i'll update about the appointment with bob. so there.

as it stands today, i believe i owe you four. again.

would you rather

make your living by manufacturing sex toys



another easy one: sex toys. as far as i know, sex toys kill far fewer people a year than guns. enough said. NEXT!

would you rather

fall through the toilet hole in an outhouse


be temporarily trapped beneath a pile of dead animals?

um. this one is a little harder. are the animals large enough to crush me? are they all bloody and decomposing? how ripe is the outhouse? do i fall ALL the way in the outhouse or does my heiny just touch the *eww*? from a health standpoint i wonder which is more potentially dangerous... my gut says go with the dead animals.

would you rather

have to spend an entire pro basketball game with your face sticking right above the rim


an entire hockey game with your face sticking out into the middle of the goal net?

this one is all about odds. while i'm sure that the puck would do far more damage to your face than the basketball, it seems highly unlikely that you'd actually get hit (at least more than once). you'd surely get hit with the basketball a bunch of times. i'd take my chances at the hockey game.

would you rather

chew a mole off someone's neck


drink a half cup of your best friend's blood?

another toss up. who is this "someone"? is it a reaaaalllly big mole or just a normal mole? anyway. probably the mole because again, i'd assume less chance of getting really sick. but- ew.