four, count 'em, FOUR questions

gee, i can't imagine why i got a little behind this week. *scratches head* so here are FOUR zobmondo questions. we're livin' it up now people. (fair warning to those more prudish folks in the audience...question #1 involves male genitalia).


would you rather

as a man, (um duh) live with a permanent eight-inch erection


a two-inch penis?
mike, looks like you're up again as the only non-anonymous male that actually comments. i, for the record, would choose the first option. i have my reasons and i will keep them to myself, thankyouverymuch!


would you rather

eat all your food liquified and frozen, like a popsicle®


have strangers squish all your food like wine grapes with their perfectly clean but bare feet before you eat it?

totally the second choice. frozen? no thanks. i think it would still be possible to enjoy food that was smooshed and as long as the feet were clean i really would have no problem with a stranger's feet. hell, i eat crap out of parker's mouth! regularly.

okaye. looks like this has to be a two part deal. 'renz is a big screamer today. baby.