somehow i also forgot to mention that my son has a *mild* obsession with cat food. he discovered the bowl about three weeks ago and now, the second his chubby little knees/palms touch the tile in the morning he makes a b-line for it. some mornings (read: rarely) i am on the ball and manage to get the food up on the counter before he has a change to grubby himself with it. on those mornings where i am distracted by something (read: debilitating exhaustion) 'renzo plops himself in the indentation that is isabella's place and goes fist first into the kibble. when he has both hands nice and greasy he gets as many savory nuggets into his pie hole as possible. then he looks up at me and grins. when i try to sweep his mouth out he suddenly develops 37 hands and makes it durn near impossible for me to get any of the crap out. *yum* i buy high quality cat food and honestly don't see a real problem with him eating it but let me tell breath on a baby is *blech*!